In order to ensure your smile will be able to support your needs this summer, keep it in pristine condition by practicing proper oral hygiene and avoiding any potential oral health risks that may arise. Your oral health care depends on making safe decisions. Listed below are a few common hazards to your oral health, as well as a few tips to help prevent them from occurring:
– Always avoid bad habits such as smoking and chewing tobacco, and recreational drugs, and never use your mouth as a bottle opener, as this is a likely way to chip and crack teeth.
– If you play contact sports or partake in high-risk activities, be sure to wear headgear or mouthguards to shelter your teeth and jaw.
– Avoid chewing on objects such as pens and pencils, as they can lead to a TMJ disorder in your jaw or loosen or crack a tooth.
– Avoid tough and thick foods that can harm your teeth, including hard candies, ice, corn on the cob, and corn kernels.
– Get rid of your mouth jewelry, as it can be a choking hazard, chip and crack teeth, and cause infections.
If you are looking to restore damaged teeth, or enhance your smile further, contact Dr. Paul Greco and our team at Hartsdale Family Dental. We can be reached by calling us at 914-205-3750 to book a reservation to see us at our dentist office in Hartsdale, New York. We will be glad to help you realize the oral health results you are striving for.