If you have dentures, then it is essential that you take excellent care of them so they can last for many years. In fact, dentures are unique appliances that are made to endure the test of time when cared for and treated with care. If cared for incorrectly, dentures can become damaged or need to be replaced. That is why... read more »
Are you looking to improve your bite pattern or straighten your teeth? If so, Invisalign® could be right for you! Most people have bite patterns that don’t fit correctly, which can lead to jaw pain and other complications in life. Invisalign is a series of aligners designed to discreetly correct your bite patterns and the alignment of your teeth. Our... read more »
Do you know the difference between cosmetic mouthwash and therapeutic mouthwash? Whereas cosmetic mouthwash is designed to help mask bad breath, therapeutic mouthwash actually digs deeper and can add oral health care benefits such as removing plaque and bacteria responsible for bad breath and other oral health ailments. Some of the benefits of therapeutic mouthwash are as follows: - Visit... read more »
Dental crowns are an excellent choice when it comes to improving your smile. If you need to restore your smile, protect a weak or damaged tooth, complete your dental implant, or enhance the appearance of a tooth, a dental crown can work for you! Our dentists with Hartsdale Family Dental in Hartsdale, New York, offer dental crowns depending on your... read more »
Some people may find themselves struggling with dental health issues. While regular brushing and flossing is a great start to improving oral health, it’s important to take note of other lifestyle habits that could be harming you oral health. In some cases, you may need to make some lifestyle changes, such as eliminating bad habits or changing your diet. In... read more »
Over time, it is easy to let bad habits creep into our daily oral hygiene routine, and our smiles suffer for it. Here are some bad habits to avoid as you care for your smile. Keeping Your Toothbrush for Too Long: Toothbrushes are designed to be used for only a few months and then thrown away. If your toothbrush is... read more »
If you suffer from tooth sensitivity, then you probably experience sharp pains when you consume hot and cold foods and drinks. This can be quite inconvenient and troublesome. Fortunately, there are things you can do regularly to treat tooth sensitivity, and our dentist, Dr. Paul Greco, is happy to tell you all about them. Those things are: -Take advantage of... read more »
It’s easy to forget to floss. After all, you’re in a hurry in to get to work in the morning, and at night, you are ready to go to bed. So, you may want to get the brushing out of the way and move on. But flossing is a very important part of keeping your mouth health. So find that... read more »
Are you interested in having a top-notch smile this Christmas? If so, our dentists are happy to help you. Fortunately, there are things you can do to make sure your teeth and gums stay in tip-top shape while you’re celebrating with family members and friends. Those tips are: -When you are opening your presents, don’t use your teeth. If you... read more »
Even though we often think about our brushing techniques and products we use to keep our smile safe, an often-overlooked part of our oral health care and hygiene routine is our dental floss. Rarely do we give a second thought to our dental floss techniques or the products we are using. This can be very detrimental to your health... read more »