Tips for Your Smile This Christmas

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Are you interested in having a top-notch smile this Christmas? If so, our dentists are happy to help you. Fortunately, there are things you can do to make sure your teeth and gums stay in tip-top shape while you’re celebrating with family members and friends. Those tips are:

-When you are opening your presents, don’t use your teeth. If you have a tough-to-open present, use scissors instead. This is because using your teeth as tools can apply unnatural pressure to the teeth and crack the enamel. The crack might be small, but it can get bigger and cause more damage in the future.

-Try to eat sweets in moderation. Christmas is a day filled with sugary cinnamon rolls, candy canes, chocolate, and more, and those treats can all promote cavities. So, it’s important to avoid eating every sugary treat you see and only eat them in moderation.

-Don’t forget to brush twice and floss once. Oral hygiene is the last thing on your mind on Christmas. You’re usually too busy with your new gifts! However, it’s important to set a reminder for yourself because if you forget to brush and floss, your smile could be in danger.

To learn more about how to have a top-notch smile this Christmas in Hartsdale, New York, please contact our dental team at your earliest convenience. All you need to do is reach out to Hartsdale Family Dental at 914-205-3750. When you do so, we will be more than happy to help you. Dr. Greco, Dr. Lanzetta, and Dr. Attalienti are here for your smile!